Wattle and daub

The Flechtwerkwand is one of the most primitive forms of a wall. She gave the wall generally the name. The term originally comes from wind wall ( " weave "). In addition, the word " face " of Come weave. The structural development of the Flechtwerkwand is the truss.

For building a Flechtwerkwand you need four posts, a purlin, wicker, clay, sand, cow dung, straw and string or clematis.

The posts are buried and then one connects it to the purlin to a rectangle. They tie them together with string or clematis. The bifurcation at the upper ends of the posts should be about 90 °. After that weaves willow twigs around the posts in such a way as if to braid a basket. The gaps are now stuffed with straw. To seal the Flechtwand, she is pelted with a mixture of clay, sand and cow dung. The sand is needed only if the clay is too rich. Now you have to let it dry the Flechtwerkwand.

  • Wall (building )
  • Construction