Way Kambas National Park

The Way Kambas National Park is located in Sumatra. He is with 130,000 ha of the smallest national park on the island. It lies on the east coast. Within the National Park lies the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary.

Flora & Fauna

The park was founded in 1989 by mangrove ( Avicennia marina) and palms ( Nipapalmen ), swamp forests, and steppe areas dominated. Secondary forests, the uninfluenced by human hand forest areas have replaced. Furthermore prevail screw pines, Teestrauchgewächse, wing fruit plants and Myrtenheiden ( Melaleuca leucadendra ) and Syzygium ago.

In addition, a rich bird life prevails, which has more than 300 bird species. These include the rare Comb Duck, which nests in the grass plains. Again, live elephants, tigers, sun bears and small tree-dwelling separates the highly endangered Sumatran rhinos in the region. In the marshes are encountered crocodiles and the schmalschnauzigen, smaller Sunda gavials.


In addition to the numerous possible routes through the area, but especially enjoys the Indonesians at the Elephant Conservation Centre ( ECC) very popular. Agent from Thailand imported know-how allowed you the elephant since 1986 a chance of survival and demonstrates the results playful.

Elephant Training

Sumatran rhino in Way Kambas National Park
