Way of Human Rights

The idea for the Way of Human Rights in Nuremberg dates back to 1988. At that time a twelve -member jury decided in connection with the extension of the Germanic National Museum of the artistic design of the Kartäusergasse in Nuremberg.

The concept by Dani Karavan prevailed. From 1988, planned and created Karavan the outdoor sculpture "The Way of Human Rights " (" The Way of Human Rights " ) as architectural art of the Germanic National Museum. The work consists of a goal and 27 round white concrete piers and two end plates and a column oak, is engraved in each one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in different languages. The road connects the spaces between grain market and city wall. On October 24, 1993 Karavan opened its building in a ceremony.

After presentation of the Human Rights Office City of Nuremberg is the Way of Human Rights " both an indictment of the crimes of the Nazis and a petrified reminder to people that human rights are today massively violated even in many countries of the world ."

In 1993, on the occasion of the opening of the road of human rights, the idea of ​​the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award was created.
