

Wazin (Arabic وازن ) is a city in western Libya near the border with Tunisia. It is located in Nalut, on the western edge of the Jebel Nafusa and is located about 360 km south-west of Tripoli. The nearest major town is Nalut 50 km away through the mountains. Another route leads through the settlements Ghezaia and Takhut.

According to the private website bevoelkerungsstatistik.de had Wazin early 2010 about 8500 inhabitants


In the center of Old Wazin the 1482 (860 Hijri ) is built fortress Gasr Wazin. The rectangular building had 360 rooms on 4 floors. It had a cistern in the middle and was also used as a granary. In the old town there are tunnels, so that women could move through the city without encountering strange men.

During the civil war in Libya, the Rebellan took over the city on 21 April 2011. They also led the border crossing under their control. The on the recapture on April 28 following battles spread partly on Dahibah on the Tunisian side. The other situation is unclear: early August 2011 to Wazin be under control of the rebels again.

