Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

The Hamburg- Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children ( HAWIK ) are intelligence tests for children and adolescents in the age of 6 to 16 years. They go back to the concept of David Wechsler intelligence and are among the most widely used intelligence tests in children worldwide.

Since the first version of the test in 1966, they have been adapted several times to the current research. They are modeled on the English-language tests of David Wechsler, the " Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children" ( WISC ), whose first version was released in 1949. The HAWIKs presented to August 2011, the German adaptation of the WISCs Represents the test method has been marketed since that time again under the original name WISC in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The processing time of the standard test is between 65 and 90 minutes.

To date, four HAWIKs were launched. The WISC -IV is the most current edition of the Wechsler tests.


In addition to the HAWIKs were still developing on the Wechsler intelligence model of other intelligence tests for other age ranges. The German adaptations of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence - Third Edition ( WPPSI -III, German version ) and the Wechsler Intelligence Test for Adults (AS ).

The series of Wechsler Intelligence test was originally based on the intelligence model of David Wechsler, intelligence, defined as follows: "Intelligence is the composite or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment "

In version IV of the test procedure ( HAWIK -IV and WISC -IV), the model underlying idea has been revised. To distinguish between action and language instead of intelligence, the test is now based on the so-called Cattell - Horn-Carroll model ( CHC). The test included in the current Version, the scale perceptual bound logical reasoning, language comprehension, working memory and processing speed, which together form the overall IQ.


Intelligence values

In HAWIK -IV following five intelligence values ​​are applicable:

  • Language comprehension
  • Perceptually bound logical thinking
  • Working memory
  • Processing speed
  • Total IQ


  • Assessment of general cognitive modes of
  • Diagnose intellectual giftedness or mental retardation
  • Determine individual strengths and weaknesses


HAWIK - IV was normed on 1,650 children from the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland.


Reliability coefficients of the subtests of the HAWIK -IV ( split-half coefficient, Fisher's Z- averaged over age groups and test-retest correlations in speed tests ) are between r = .76 and r = .91. For the entire test is the reliability of r = .97.
