Weicheng District, Xianyang

The municipality Weicheng (渭城区, Weicheng Qū ) is a municipality of the prefecture-level city Xianyang of Shaanxi Province in the People's Republic of China. It has an area of 272 square kilometers and counts 400,000 inhabitants ( 2004). In the community Zhengyang the Han Yangling Mausoleum (汉阳陵) of the Han emperor Jingdi is a 1999 built museum, the underground shows the results of ongoing excavations since 1990.

Administrative Divisions

At the community level, the municipality is composed of four road districts and six large municipalities. These are:

  • Road Zhongshan District中山 街道
  • Road district Wenhuilu文汇 路 街道
  • Road District Xinxing新兴 街道
  • Road Weiyang district渭阳 街道
  • Greater community Weicheng渭 城镇
  • Greater community Yaodian窑 店镇
  • Greater community Zhengyang正 阳镇
  • Greater community Zhongling周 陵镇
  • Greater community Dizhang底 张 镇
  • Greater community Beidou北 杜 镇