Wellness (alternative medicine)

The term spa (English wellness, wellbeing 'or' feel '), for the first time in 1654 " ... wealnesse " translated in a monograph by Sir A. Johnson as the Oxford English Dictionary as " good health ", stands for modern understanding of a holistic concept of health and in the U.S. is a generic term that time new health movement since the 1950s.


According to the definition of the American physician Kenneth H. Cooper ( " The Father of Aerobics " ) or the Social physician Halbert Dunn, the term wellness is based on the English terms well-being, fitness and happiness. The term is thus a portmanteau word. Life style wellness concept on well-being, fun and a good physical condition. Today is meant by wellness especially methods and treatments to improve the physical, mental or emotional well-being. Tourist facilities, hotels, swimming pools and spa facilities offer under the name of "wellness" massages and baths.

Wellness is a popular advertising word. The term, however, is not legally protected. Variety of products, such as mineral water, Indian Lassi, socks, tea, cereals, jams and food supplements is attributed to a wellness -enhancing, and therefore health benefits. Occasionally, products with no proven effect as Earth radiation - suppressors, magnetic mattresses or esoteric water treatments are offered under the name of wellness. Since the late 1990s, increasingly form quality assurance certificate in wellness tourism out to counteract the increasing Konturlosigkeit of the term. These certificates were initiated by different actors such as the German Wellness Association, Hotel Chains or other tourism stakeholders.

1959 had newly taken up the word wellness of American social medicine Halbert L. Dunn. In the 1970s - than the cost in the U.S. health care exploded - developed the wellness pioneers Donald B. Ardell and John Travis on behalf of the U.S. government's new holistic health models, which were based on health promotion and individual responsibility for their own health. After understanding Ardell Wellness describes a state of well -being and satisfaction, and consists of the factors self-responsibility, nutritional awareness, physical fitness, stress management and environmental sensitivity. In keeping with this holistic approach to wellness can be understood as a harmony of body, mind and soul.

Use of the term

Can be distinguished with the use of the word spa between everyday language and a scientific observation. It is noted in analyzes of the use of the concept of health-related only to a limited extent. In everyday use, Wellness is however rather equated with a passive form of relaxation and provokes in the people shown emotional images. Wellness is also directly connected with holidays. Active exercise is probably not perceived by consumers as wellness. Colloquially under Wellness mainly passive Wellness Offers understood that are available for relaxation. The term spa is used, among others, the following areas

  • Conscious nutrition, holistic food handling
  • Conscious movement: regular, appropriate exercise programs
  • Mentally: relaxation and stress management techniques such as autogenic training, meditation, and passive nature such as sauna and massage
  • Appreciation of nature and stimulants

This concept of wellness is now referred to as Medical Wellness is the basis primarily a health-conscious lifestyle in everyday life. Appropriate courses for people with health problems - especially the so- called diseases of civilization - are offered by many health insurance companies and health resorts. Under Medical Spa in addition vacations with preventive and rehabilitative measures to partially improve, maintain and restore the health status are to be understood.

Economic Importance

According to figures from the economic research firm Global Insight, the annual turnover of the wellness industry in Germany is estimated at around 73 billion euros. These are estimates of all related to the concept of wellness sales. These range from lifestyle foods such as low calorie foods, verdauensfördernden yogurt products, etc. to fitness studios and wellness stays in hotels.
