Wendelin Werner

Wendelin Werner ( born September 23, 1968 in Cologne) is a mathematician and professor at the ETH Zurich, his area of ​​research is the theory of probability. He was awarded the Fields Medal, which was awarded to him at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid in 2006. He particularly focuses on self -avoiding random walks and the theory of percolation.


Werner is a native German and French citizen since 1977. He attended preparatory courses ( Classe préparatoire ) for the French elite schools at the Lycée Hoche. From 1987 to 1991 he studied at the École Normale Supérieure (ENS ) and his PhD in 1993 at the University Pierre and Marie Curie under Jean- François Le Gall. 1991-1997 he was the Chargé Recherches at the CNRS and from 1993 to 1995 as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Cambridge. In 1997 he became a professor at the University of Paris-Sud. 2013 he was appointed professor at the ETH Zurich.

He was a visiting professor, among others at Cambridge University, the ETH Zurich and the TU Berlin and lectured at Caltech (Tom Wolff Lectures ), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Simons Lectures ) and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm ( Gustafsson Lectures ), at the Universities of Cambridge ( Davidson Lecture ), Barcelona ( Levy Lecture ) and in Utrecht (Mark Kac seminar).

In 2004 he was invited speaker at the 4th European Congress of Mathematicians (SLE, conformal restrictions, loops ) and on the ECM in 2000 in Barcelona. In 2006 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid (conformal restriction properties ). He is a member of the Academie des Sciences, the Berlin -Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina and of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. He is an Honorary Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.


Werner had from the 1990s a leading role in the rigorous justification of universal properties of Brownian motion and two-dimensional systems at the critical point, which was a key research field of statistical physics before ( especially from the point conformal field theories ). He has worked with, among others Oded Schramm and Gregory F. Lawler and with the Fields Medal winners Stanislav Smirnov.

For example, he could 2001/2002 derived with Lawler and Schramm universal exponents for the overlap probability of planar Brownian random walks, where they used the technique of SLE ( Schramm Loewner Evolution). They also proved a conjecture of Benoit Mandelbrot on the fractal dimension of Brownian fronts in two dimensions, namely, that it is 4/3.


As a teenager, he played in the movie The walker of Sans Souci (1982 ) play a role.


He was Colloquium Lecturer of the American Mathematical Society ( 2008) and held the Cours Peccot at the College de France ( 1999).


  • Werner Some recent aspects of random conformally invariant systems, Les Houches Lectures 2005
  • Werner Conformal restriction and related questions, lectures, Edinburgh, 2003
  • Werner Lectures on two dimensional critical percolation, Park City Lectures 2007, IAS / Park City Math Ser. , Volume 16, 2009, pp. 297-360
  • Werner Random planar curves and Schramm - Loewner Evolution, Saint Flour Lectures 2002 Lectures on probability theory and statistics, Lecture Notes in Math, Vol 1840, 2004 p.107 -195
  • Percolation et modèle d' Ising, Cours spécialisés, SMF Publ, Vol 16, 2009