Wendelsheim (Rottenburg)

48.5069444444448.9358333333333380Koordinaten: 48 ° 30 ' 25 " N, 8 ° 56' 9" E

Wendelsheim is a district of Rottenburg am Neckar in the administrative district of Tübingen in Baden- Württemberg ( Germany ).

  • 2.1 Population development
  • 4.1 community partnerships
  • 5.1 Märchensee
  • 5.2 Structures
  • 6.1 Education


Wendelsheim lies about three kilometers north of Rottenburg am Neckar and eleven kilometers southwest of Tübingen.


The total area of the village is 470 ha Wendelsheim Of this amount, 71.0 % on agricultural land, 15.0 % of forest area, 13.6% remaining on settlement and traffic area, 0.2% on water surface and 0.2 % on the Terms.

Neighboring towns

The following places are adjacent to Wendelsheim, they are listed clockwise starting in the north: Oberndorf, Wurmlingen, Rottenburg ( core city) and Seebronn (all district of Tübingen ).


In Wendelsheim 1,555 people live (as of end of January 2008). With respect to the district area of 4.70 km ², this corresponds to a population density of 331 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Population Development


On a flat hill between the Neckar and Ammer which is around 1180 ( " Winolfhein " ) or an introduction to the village, which belonged to the Count Palatine of Tübingen in the 12th century. Of these, it soon came to the Counts of Hohenberg, the court held on the northeast, located above the village " level ". This district court was laid in 1378 by imperial grant in the city of Rottenburg. With the County Hohenberg was the village in 1381 to Austria, 1805 Württemberg ( Oberamt Rottenburg, 1938 Circle of Tübingen). The place was until 1762, when Austria took the highly fragmented sovereignty rights after changing ownership succession, to various noble families as a fief output: the Amman ( 1389 ), and later, to the dyers and the Eicher, both of which took their name from Wendelsheim to the lords of Suntrust Home Gen. Ufenloch ( 1488 ), whose own property in the 16th century belonged to the Knights Canton Neckar -Schwarzwald. see also Castle Wendelsheim


Community partnerships

Wendelsheim has on October 12, 1979 signed a partnership agreement with the French community Ablis (Île- de -France, about 30 km south of Paris ). The relationships created by a Wendelsheim, who starred as a prisoner of war in Ablis in the local football team. As early as 1969 there were meetings of the football teams of the two partners places. In the meantime take place mutual visits of clubs and youth regularly. The Abliser street in Wendelsheim to commemorate the partnership.

Culture and sights


The Märchensee located in a up in the 1960s operated quarry near the mountain at Pfaff Wendelsheim. The quarry has now been awarded the areal natural monument and is under protection. The Märchensee is one of the rare spawning of Obstetricians toads. For some time he loses more and more water, as the ground over the years has become more brittle. However, not all of the quarry is covered by Märchensee. A part of the quarry is dry, there are other small lakes.

Märchensee 3 August 2008

Dry part of the quarry at Märchensee

Small lake in the quarry at Märchensee


  • Village parish church of St. Catherine: Choir with murals, around the year 1400 - reorganization of the church in the Gothic Revival style in 1895.

Economy and infrastructure


Wendelsheim has a primary school. The elementary school was closed at the end of the school year 2008/2009 for cost reasons.


  • Philipp Schäfer (1934-2002), theologian