Werfener Bach

The creek at Werfen to receive the Sieler Beeke but prior to the commencement of the Moor Bach.

The Werfen Bach is a left tributary of the New Else in northeastern German state of North Rhine -Westphalia.


The lake has a total length of 4.7 km and is named after the place throwing. The catchment area covers a part of the Ravens Mulde between Enger, throwing and Hücker Moor, mostly the Werfen break. The body of water rises near Belke - Steinbeck and ends at throwing in the New Else ( rkm 1.5 ).

The water flows through on its way from the source to the mouth of the following municipalities:

  • Enger
  • Frets

On his way, the water takes downriver considered the following waters on:

  • Sieler Beeke ( 1.5 L )
  • Moorbach (L, 0.1 ) (from Hücker Moor )

(L / R; KM ): Left / right tributary, estuary at KM 0)
