
The Werkrealschule was reformed in Baden- Württemberg in the school year 2010/2011 as another school next school, junior high school and high school. The Werkrealschule - New in Baden- Württemberg a school next to the main school, which results in a continuous training plan to mid- maturity and allows a Hauptschule after 9th grade. Those primary schools had been in front of the school year 2010/2011 as Werkrealschule in which the elective subjects and a 10th school year for gifted secondary school students were offered from the 8th grade.

Secondary schools can offer the electives also work secondary schools should, however, be generally two quickly. Students of the secondary school can switch to a Werkrealschule with 10.Schuljahr after the 9th year without checking if the preconditions.

At the end of 7th grade of primary school, students choose an elective course that is visited in the 8th and 9th grade. Students have the choice between the three compartments profile nature and technology ( SET), Economics and Information Technology ( WUI ) and Health and Social Affairs ( CIS ). In Class 10 is working closely with the first year of the two -year vocational school, two teaching days per week of teaching at the vocational school takes place.

In addition to the electives, each with 2 hours per week, students visit the following subjects: Mathematics (5) German (5) English (5), matter - Nature-Technology (MNT -4 ), World Time Society ( CI -5), music sports figures (MSG -5), Religious Education ( 2), business - work - health (WAG -3). The number of teaching hours per week may vary, as the schools develop school curricula.

Transition to Grade 10

After class 10 can change who receives an appropriate education and training, the first half of the ninth grade. The prerequisite for this is usually that the average grade of the subjects German, English and mathematics, as well as the compulsory optional subject 3.0 (or better) is, and none of these notes is worse than sufficient. These students take compulsory part in the decentralized oral language test in English and a themed appraisal. Furthermore, they write the written exams for secondary school in the subjects German, mathematics and English. The notes in German and math be counted as a class work.

Can also change over students who achieve these grades to secondary school in the exam.
