
The West Cape Howe National Park (English West Cape Howe National Park ) is a 35 km ² national park located in southwestern Western Australia, Australia.

Location and landscape

The PWest - Cape Howe National Park is located about 390 km south of Perth and 30 km west of Albany. He can be reached via the South Coast Highway and extends along the southern coast of Australia from Lowlands Beach to Forsythe Bluff.

In this area there are several vegetation zones of karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor ), " Jarrah " - (Eucalyptus marginata ) and marri forests ( Corymbia calophylla ) on banksia scrub to barren heath. Here the insectivorous pitcher dwarf are native. There occur numerous bird species.

The granite cliffs near Shelley Beach are a popular destination for climbers and paragliders.
