West Nicholson

West Nicholson is a 819 high place on the river Umzingwani with about 1,700 inhabitants, 40 km east of Gwanda in Matabeleland South province in Zimbabwe. The village lies on the road and only the freight railway line serving Bulawayo West Nicholson, whose terminus is there. It is a regional center of this semi-arid region and has an airfield.

West Nicholson lives from mining and a large meat factory in which slaughtered the cattle of the surrounding area and corned beef and biltong ( air-dried thin slices of meat, which are significantly harder than the well-known in Europe Bündnerfleisch ) are processed. There is a supermarket and a butcher, a large primary school and 12 km from a secondary school.

- 21.06666666666729.366666666667Koordinaten: 21 ° 4 ' S, 29 ° 22' O

  • Location in Zimbabwe
  • Matabeleland South Province
  • Place in Africa