Western Administrative Okrug

The Western Administrative District (Russian Западный административный округ / Sapadny administrativny okrug ) is one of twelve administrative districts of the Russian capital Moscow.


The western administrative district located on the western outskirts of the city of Moscow. Through the territory of the Zeitun flows.


The West County is divided into 13 Districts. In the district of over a million inhabitants. Due to the multitude of green spaces, such as the Fili park, which is located on the Moskva River embankment, include many residential areas in the West District of the most popular ( and most expensive) in the whole of Moscow. The district is also the West often frequented by government vehicles arterial road Kutuzov Prospekt runs.

In this district is located near the southwestern located in the neighboring county German Consulate at 103 Prospect Wernadskowo a residential area that is predominantly inhabited by Germans. It was built in the 1970s to the 1980s for employees of the East German embassy and trade mission and now sometimes referred to ironically as " German South-West ".

Characteristic of the Western district is also the former Olympic Village, which is used as a conventional residential area since the end of the 1980 Olympic Games.

For area of the Western Administrative District also includes the exclave of the same part of the city to the international airport Vnukovo in Moscow.

The Western District of Moscow is twinned with in Wetzlar in Hesse.

Districts in West County

  • Dorogomilowo
  • Fili - Dawydkowo
  • Filjowski Park
  • Krylatskoje
  • Kunzewo
  • Moschaiski
  • Novo- Peredelkino
  • Otschakowo - Matwejewskoje
  • Prospectus Wernadskowo
  • Ramenki
  • Solnzewo
  • Troparjowo - Nikulino
  • Vnukovo

Selected attractions

  • Bagrationbrücke
  • Fili Park
  • Hotel Ukraine ( skyscraper in sugar baker's style )
  • Kiev railway station and Europe Square
  • Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills
  • Panorama Museum of the Battle of Borodino
  • Victory Park