Western Area Forest Reserve

IUCN Category --- '


The Western Area Peninsular Forest Reserve (English Western Area Peninsular Forest Reserve ) is a forest reserve with the status of a forest reserve without hunting, officially received enhanced protection status on March 22, 2010. It covers almost all the Freetown Peninsula and surrounding Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone.

The site was proposed for inclusion in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Park


The forest reserve has a height up to 886 meters above sea level ( Picket Hill ) and is up to 14 kilometers wide and 37 kilometers long. In parts of the forest is primary forest; live here and Others chimpanzees. By burning and urbanization were large parts of the protected area, destroyed, especially in the area of Freetown. The government and conservation organizations try this now augmented by expulsion from regular land combat.

With a precipitation of up to 7000 mm in the nature reserve is considered feuchtestes reserve of the earth.


The Western Forest can be reached easily and quickly from even a car, of Freetown. From the Peninsual ring road, one gets a good look at the forest reserve


Hiking on your own can be undertaken. For this purpose, mainly the Guma Trail offers leading from the Guma dam through the forest.

Fauna and Flora

Were detected up to now more than 374 bird and 50 mammal species.
