Western Wood Pewee

Western Forest tyrant ( Contopus sordidulus )

The Western Forest tyrant ( Contopus sordidulus ) is an American Schreivogel.


The 16 cm long bird is oberseits olive green colored with whitish wing bars and our hand light gray with darker areas on the breast and flanks. He has a harsh, sustained reputation.


The Western Forest tyrant inhabited sparse forests, parks, orchards and mountain forests in the western part of North America from Alaska to Central America and draws for wintering in western South America to Peru and Bolivia.


The bird holds a residence dating back out for insects, which it catches in flight or pecks of leaves. The diet consists of moths, flies, mosquitoes and when insects are scarce, even from berries.


In an open cup nest of a horizontal, often high road three to four eggs are incubated at about two weeks. Both parents feed the young birds.
