Westland Petrel

Westland Petrel ( Procellaria westlandica )

Taxonomically the Westland petrel is one next to the gray petrel ( P. cinerea), the White-chinned Petrel ( P. aequinoctialis ) and the Parkinson's Petrel ( P. parkinsoni ) to the genus Procellaria, a Untertaxon the family of the petrels ( Procellariidae ).

As the Westland Petrel Petrel has a characteristic hooked nose. He also stands out for its completely black plumage and appearance. Even the otherwise yellowish beak has a black tip on the fledglings.

The bird spends most of its time over the South Pacific between Australia and South America. On land he is to raise his boys; the only known nesting site of the species is located at Punakaiki on the South Island of New Zealand. The chicks hatch about in the period from July to August, that in the winter in the southern hemisphere; they are then fed to November and then leave for the next seven years the colony. In winter, are sometimes seen at Punakaiki flocks of these birds, when they return from foraging.

From the IUCN Westland Petrel is classified as endangered. It is assumed that a population of 4,000 animals.
