Wet moon

Nidsigend or nidsigänd referred in Southern Germany, Tyrol and in German-speaking Switzerland the period in the course of a month in which the diurnal arc of the moon from day to day runs low on the horizon. The antonym to nidsigend is obsigend or obsigänd, ie the period during which the diurnal arc of the moon from day to day runs higher above the horizon. This phenomenon corresponds to the ascent and descent of the Tagbogens the sun in the course of the seasons (see solstice and equinox ). The cycle is on average about a month, that is, the moon is about 14 days nidsigend and then again about 14 days obsigend. It is found mainly in astrologically oriented lunar calendars again. Outside this region it is known as a rising and falling moon. Other names are for harvest moon obsigend and planting moon for nidsigend.

The original use of the term was the astronomically oriented agriculture, especially for seasons for sowing and planting. In today's astrology, other things are brought into relation.


The prefix nid is in Southern Germany, Tyrol and in German-speaking Switzerland for " below " or " below " (eg Nidwalden ), whether is above or above (eg, Obwalden ). Nidsi and obs are ob- emerged from nid - up, respectively, and mean in Alemannic dialects "downward" and "upward". The base word quietly and actually gänd is "outgoing" for. Nidsigend therefore means " nid - to - outgoing", or " going downhill " or "going down ". In written German texts and the translations are " among themselves as possible " ( for nidsigend ) or " about themselves as possible " ( for obsigend ) ago.


Actual meaning

Is the moon so " obsigend ", then he is " going up " or "rising ", that moves in relation to the celestial equator upwards - to the north. This is due to the inclination of the plane of the lunar orbit to the plane of the celestial equator. For an observer in the northern hemisphere of the earth move in the obsigenden phase, the emergence points of the moon on the horizon to the northeast, the doom and points to the northwest. The amount of culmination in the south is noticeably larger by the day. Once it has reached its highest against the celestial equator ( northern ) position, the change from done " obsigend " to " nidsigend ". Now he is so " going downhill " or "falling". The move to and setting points on the horizon now back from day -to-day further south, the Kulminationshöhe decreases ( Tropical month). Thus, these terms are evidence of a good observation of the phenomena in the sky by people of past generations (see also: Sky Disc of Nebra ). In general parlance this exact astronomical terms, however, were often associated with a more toned astrological beliefs. For example, in notions of change of nidsigend and obsigend influencing growth and fertility processes in nature. Most of these terms appear now only as a vague and poorly understood expressions from a bygone era.


The term is often mistakenly equated nidsigend with the waning moon ( lunar phase), while obsigend often confused with a waxing moon. In addition, one can also find that the phase nidsigende a month with decreasing distance of the moon and the obsigende is confused with increasing distance from the earth.


In Switzerland, they say jokingly nidsigänd if a somewhat constantly falls to the ground.


Standing crescent moon as a symbol for the falling ( nidsigenden ) Moon

Similar to the phases of the moon, there is also the rising and falling moon symbols. These both have the shape of a crescent moon, which can be seen from the peaks, if the moon is rising or falling. For the rising moon is the Mondschiffchen show a crescent moon lying their points upwards. The falling moon has accordingly show a crescent standing their tops down. These symbols are almost exclusively used by astrologers.
