Wheatland (Wyoming)

Platte County


Wheatland is located in southeastern Wyoming in Platte County off Interstate 25, the city is the county seat ( county seat ) of Platte County.


According to a survey in 2000, Wheatland had 3548 inhabitants. 1539 households and 980 families live here. In the 1539 households about 25 % children live below the age of 18. 52% are married or living together. The average income for a household in the city is about $ 37,000.

Age structure

  • Under 18 years = 22.80%
  • 18-24 years = 7.20 %
  • 25-44 years = 22.70%
  • 45-64 years = 26.50%
  • Over 65 years = 20.80%

The average age is 43 years.


Wheatland is a very neat small town, but has hardly attractions. About 30 miles north-east is the historic Fort Laramie near the town of Fort Laramie and is also close to the small town of Guernsey.


The former governor of Wyoming, James Low was born in Wheatland
