White-thighed Hornbill

The Babali hornbill or white leg Hornbill ( Bycanistes albotibialis ) is a species of bird in the family of the hornbills. By some ornithologists he is regarded as a subspecies of the brown cheeks horn bird (B. cylidricus ).


It differs from the brown cheeks hornbill by a narrower dark tail band, the darker beak, black cheeks and pale facial skin. The horn is long and pointed. Females and young birds have a smaller horn and a darker beak with bright top. The young bird is dark brown in color with white dotting.


The Babali hornbill is 68 to 75 cm long with a weight of 1.5 kg.


Its distribution extends from West Africa to the west to western Uganda; he is present there in forests, gallery forests and the forest.


The bird feeds on larger snakes, lizards and birds.
