
Reservoir, nature reserve

The Wichelsee is a lake in central Switzerland, in the canton of Obwalden. It extends in the southwest-northeast direction and nestled on its southeastern shore of a rock wall. It is about 1.8 km long and has a maximum width of 170 m. The lake is located near the towns Alpnach and Kaegiswil on the territory of the municipalities Alpnach and Sarnen.


The lake is 1955 caused by the construction of a dam. Most of the effluent water is passed in a 1860 m long pressure tunnel with 23 m net slope to the low -pressure rotor power plant Eichi, which is operated by the power plant Sarneraa AG in Alpnach. The power plant produces 1.2 MW with two vertical Kaplan turbines on average 13.9 million kWh per year. The power plant is one of 30% of the canton of Obwalden. The communities Alpnach and Sarnen each hold 26 % and the Central Swiss power stations AG with 18%. The latter also operates the power plant.


The lake and the surrounding area are under protection since 2005. 2007, a bypass channel was installed in the dam, so the dam can be flooded at high tide. In this river section, a fish ladder ( fishway ) was installed because the defense is on the natural migration route of fish.

The lake and the adjacent riparian forest is a play area and breeding ground for a variety of birds such as owls, Tufted Duck and a colony of swans. This, together with its location, the Wichelsee is a distinct recreation area. Because the forest- ascending rock wall in the background of the lake is a suitable photo motive.

From the severe storm in August 2005 and the Wichelsee was affected. Driftwood collected at the weir and through the mass of water cross a road and bridge were destroyed below the weir.
