Wied (river)

The Wied at Rossbach

The Wied is a 102- km-long right or eastern tributary of the Rhine in Germany. It flows from the source to the mouth of Rhineland- Palatine area. From its catchment area of 770.8 km ², it leads to about 9 m³ / s of water to the Rhine.


The Wied rises in the Westerwald to 464 m above sea level. NN directly north of the local church Linden, part of the municipality Hachenburg. At first she happened Linden at the eastern edge and runs towards the south -south-west to infuse on the eastern shore in the three-field pond (largest pond in Westerwald Lake ) and to leave it in the west.

Subsequently, the Wied flows in a northwesterly direction to the old churches, then westward, the scenic Rhein-Westerwald Nature Park, New Town passing. Then she bends turn off to the south to open near the nature park boundary on the outskirts of Irlich ( a district of Neuwied ) in the north- westward flowing Middle Rhine.

Name Origin and History

The oldest written form of the river name is Wied with uuida (read: wida ) available from the year 857. In the Middle Ages Wied formed approximately in the first half of its course, about of stones Bach to above Neustadt ( Wied) the boundary of the old Archdiocese of Trier on the left and the Archdiocese of Cologne to the right of the stream.


Among the tributaries of Wied include:

Links of Wied

  • Wood Creek at Döttesfeld
  • Almersbach at Almersbach
  • Breibach at Seelbach
  • Focke Bach at Niederbreitbach
  • Aubach at Neuwied Niederbieber
  • Laubach at Altwied

Right of Wied

  • Ingelbach at Ingelbach
  • Quengelbach in Old Churches
  • Lenz Bach in Schöneberg
  • Birnbach at Neitersen
  • More Bach from Asbach Ehrenstein
  • Pfaff bei Neustadt Wiedmühle
  • Reichel Bach at Segendorf


Among the places at and near the Wied include:

Water status

The Wied is by Roth creek mouth (northeast Wahlrod ) to the mouth of the Rhine to the Rhineland-Palatinate state water law, a second-order waters are so responsible for the pollution control districts.

Economy and Tourism

The last half kilometer of river is navigable and the Wied leads to the work port of the rattle stone GmbH, today a member of the Thyssen Krupp Group. For hikers and river landscape by the Wiedwanderweg (100 km long) to be developed. There are also in Altwied and Michel Bach a hydroelectric power plant. In the knitting mill Hausener ( Gem.Berzhausen ) current is also generated. Depending on water levels, the Wied from old churches is navigable for kayaks and canoes from Schöneberg for, at a lower water level until Oberlahr.

The Wied is named after a cinema and cultural center in Neitersen, the Wied Scala.

The hydropower plant is operating Altwied July 19, 2012 completely burned out after 100 years and thus no longer in operation.
