Wiener Theaterzeitung

The Viennese theater newspaper (also: Bauerle's theater newspaper, Wiener Zeitung general theater ) was a magazine founded by Adolf Bäuerle the Vienna Vormarz, which appeared from 1806 to 1860 and the most popular and most widely read newspaper in Austria was. She brought the latest news from the arts, literature, music and social life. The first issue appeared on July 1, 1806.


The Viennese theater newspaper was a newspaper similar periodical and one of the leading European music of the pre-March for the areas of theater, music, literature, fashion and socializing. It included dramatic texts, prose and poetry, but also news in each, usually a short form, such as the "Quick heading, what 's new? ". She appeared more than half a century, several times a week, from 1806 to 1860 and offered a cultural overview with theater reviews, essays and studies.

The newspaper was the only work of its editor, Adolf Bäuerle, which she founded in 1804 at age 18; She was therefore referred to by contemporaries as Bauerle Theaterzeitung. The editorial was devoted to not only the subject of theater, already in the second year of publication was the title of newspaper for theater, music and poetry. From then on, the column was filled with an extensive cultural and entertainment coverage from the cultural metropolis of Vienna and from all other major European capitals and led to remarkable achievements in the field of feuilletonistic entertainment and information media.

Bäuerle (1786-1859) was the author of more than 70 pieces of the Viennese popular theater, 1813, he wrote his first play, children and fools speak the truth, for the Theater in der Leopoldstadt where his plays were performed the next thirty years. In the same year the great success of " The citizens of Vienna ", who founded the popular figure of Staberl followed. Until 1827 he wrote three to four pieces a year. Then Bäuerle was limited to 1848 on journalism.

Bäuerle 1822 invited the writer and critic Moritz Gottlieb Saphir to Vienna and hired him for his newspaper. Here, sapphire made ​​so unpopular by merciless theater reviews and various essays that he was expelled in 1825 and went to Berlin. Even Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser, Günther Hermann Meynert (pseudonym: Janus ) and Friedrich Witthauergasse worked as a critic for Bäuerle.

The blade was a leader in journalistic innovations: from the gradual enlargement format, the introduction of high-speed press pressure to establish its own correspondent network to impact on the audience color copper supplements.


1818 saw the first picture inserts, coming toward the theater Love the reader: In copper engraved portraits of actors. 1826 was a " gallery droll scenes depicted on the Vienna stage ," offered that were executed by the artist Johann Christian Schoeller in watercolor, engraved in copper and carefully colored. In particular, the performances of Viennese suburban theaters found in the gallery recording, sometimes also performances from the Hofburg Theatre and the Kärntnertortheater.

Besides Bauerle own plays at the theater in Leopoldstadt, the gallery also formed from pieces by Johann Nestroy and Ferdinand Raimund, as well as actors such as Wenzel Scholz or Therese Krones.

The satirical images of " Cajetan " (pseudonym for Anton Elfinger ) mediated in 1850 socially critical and political content.

The newspaper offered its readers in the sequence in hand-colored copper - color inserts various image or cycles:

  • Gallery droll and interesting scenes
  • Costume image for Theaterzeitung
  • Fashion images for Theaterzeitung
  • Satyrisches image
  • Rebus. Supplement to Theaterzeitung
  • Special Bilderbeylage to Theaterzeitung

The newspaper


With a circulation of at that time extraordinary 5,000 to 6,000 copies, and a distribution area, which was identical to the German-speaking world, the Wiener Theater newspaper was until 1847 the largest circulation newspaper in Austria and could ( twenty times in four years ) a remarkable reader loyalty in spite of the frequency of the title change recorded.


  • Viennese theater newspaper. Vol 1, No 1 ( 1806) - Vol 54, No. 233 (1860 ), Keck ET, Vienna. (78 completed publications)
  • Secondary issue: Viennese theater newspaper. Microfiche outputs. , Fischer ET, Erlangen 1998, ISBN 3-89131-296-2. (532 microfiche, in container 12 x 17 x 36 cm, enclosed in cartridge) (Note:. Microfiche outp ended with Vol 54, No. 233 (1860 ) From the Primärausg did not appear more. .. )