Wildlife management

Wildlife management is an area of nature conservation and hunting, are in the wildlife and their habitats in the center. Activity spaces, space planning, protected area management, landscaping, biodiversity and conservation companies that settled in hunting and forestry. Also revitalization and preservation of habitats are among the responsibilities of a wildlife manager. An area of wildlife management is the beaver management.

As the founder of the idea of wildlife management, Aldo Leopold is often called.

Complex area of ​​responsibility

In wildlife management many disciplines intertwine. Essential tasks Wildlife managers are determining population data, science and conservation of habitats and the resettlement of displaced or extinct species. Coupled with this are forestry ecological, geological, political and economic topics ( Wildlife Biology and Game Management ) as well as fish biological / ecological and fisheries economics.

It is important to understand economic and political contexts in order to overlook the complex field of wildlife management and to be able to plan the politically important steps. Reintroduction of wild animals is often accompanied by considerable skepticism and even fear of the inhabitants of that region. This means that the wildlife manager that he needs psychological skills in order to develop the new habitat for animals. Organization inform all persons concerned may be an important area here.

The assessment of the environment in front of a resettlement is very important. If essential elements that enable a way to survive, can the project to fail. If the funds are available, it may be part of the role of wildlife managers to adapt the environment accordingly or to organize the adaptation - " manage".


A common understanding about the specific terms of reference and the mediation of this knowledge in higher education studies do not exist. Thus, the course Wildlife Management at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences also includes members from the zoo. Because of the many elements of the course Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management at the University of Natural Resources and is clearly designed as an interdisciplinary study.


The wildlife manager Peter Surth the project Alps Expedition 2010-2012 was launched. In order to collect data and to also inform about a possible reintroduction of wolves, bears and lynx in the Alps, he is since 2010 about to pass through together with the biologist Gudrun Pflueger in stages, the entire Alpine region on foot or by bicycle. The cameraman Albert Ausosbsky the expedition documented with the camera. During this expedition, there will always be information sessions at schools. The expedition is funded by sponsors and also by Peter Surth itself.

This expedition is certainly not typical. But it makes clear how diverse may be the approach to achieve the goals that has a wildlife manager within his profession.
