William Bendix

William Bendix ( born January 14, 1906 in New York City, United States, † December 14, 1964 in Los Angeles, California, United States ) was an American actor.

Life and career

The son of a musician grew up in his hometown of New York City and left with 15 years of high school. He slapped his first as a porter for the baseball team New York Giants and New York Yankees, as well as by a waiter before he married in 1927 and was employed by his father as a manager in the grocery store. As the business during the Great Depression went bust, to Bendix turned to acting and appeared first on the theater.

From 1942 he worked in film and television productions. For his supporting role in the war drama Wake Iceland he was nominated in the same year for an Oscar. This was followed by movies like The woman of whom you are speaking, Lifeboat and The Blue Dahlia. From 1953 to 1958 he played the title role in the comedy series The Life of Riley.

Bendix died in 1964 from the effects of pneumonia. He was dedicated on the Walk of Fame two stars.

Filmography (selection)
