William I of Weimar

William I, Count of Weimar ( † April 16 963), is the first known member of the Weimar Graf house. He is referred to as the Count in Südthüringgau 949, 958 as Count in Husitingau and 961 as Count in Helmegau and Altgau. He is added to the term potestas praefectoria, which corresponds to the position of a margrave.

In the years 953-955 he took part in an uprising against the House of Wettin Liudolfinger. He was deposed and banished still 953, but 956 was reinstated in his offices.

William I was probably married to a daughter of Margrave Poppo ( II ) the Sorbenmark from the family of Frankish Babenberg, whose husband was certainly Wilhelm.

He had at least three children:

  • William II, called the Great, † December 14, 1003, Duke of Thuringia
  • Poppo
  • Sigbert