Winter rest

Hibernation is a reaction of plants and animals and other organisms extratropical habitats on the hostile environmental conditions prevailing during the winter.


In the flora of tropical vegetation not to hibernate is the rule. Deciduous trees throw off their foliage, all hardy, perennial, herbaceous plants kill off their above-ground, frost- sensitive parts to re- cast out until the spring. The one-year ( in the second year, the two-year ) herbaceous plants form before the winter their seeds, the seeds survive the winter and germinate in the spring. Winter cereals shot and bloom in the spring only after vernalization in the winter cold period.

See also: seed dormancy, seedling, stratification and growth period.


The hibernation can only occur at the same warm ( homoiothermen ) animals. In zoology hibernation refers to a state in which the energy needs of mammals is very limited. In order to respond to the unfavorable external conditions that are associated usually with a limited food supply.

The hibernation is not to be confused with hibernation, in which the metabolism is drastically reduced. In hibernation, the body temperature is not significantly reduced, but decreases the heart rate. Hibernation holding animals wake several times during the winter to seek prey, to collect supplies or to eat of collected supplies.

Examples of animals that keep Hibernation: brown bear, raccoon dog, raccoon, badger, beaver, some bats and squirrels.
