Wipper (Unstrut)

The catchment area of ​​the Wipper

The Wipper is a good 92 km long, left or western tributary of the Unstrut in the north of Thuringia, Germany. The Wipper including the backwaters of the districts Kannawurf and Kindelbrueck belong after the Thuringian Water Act from the branch Flutgraben in Worbis to its confluence with the Unstrut to the waters of the first order.


The Wipper rises in Eichsfeld in Ohmgebirge. Your source is located in Worbis in the calibration field. It rises in a broader source in the brewing road. A second, longer Quellast flows down as Ritterbach of Kaltohmfeld. From Worbis Wipper flows in a predominantly easterly direction. In Sollstedt the river leaves the calibration field through the gate to Eichsfelder district of Nordhausen. The Valley of the Wipper is then flanked by the south ridge of the Hainleite. The most significant city on the run Wipper is Sondershausen, the county seat of Kyffhaeuser circle. From Göllingen she turns to the southeast and intersects at Seega on Wipper breakthrough the Hainleite. The Wipper opens in Saxony Thuringian castle at the gate in the Unstrut.


The following rivers, streams usually, Wipper flow to (in brackets inflow side and, if known, length and catchment area; streams with less than 10 km ² in lower case):

  • Ritterbach ( L) in Worbis
  • Black Water (L ) in Gernrode ( calibration field )
  • Röstewasser (R ) in Gernrode ( calibration field )
  • Welts water ( R) in Gernrode ( calibration field )
  • Without (R; 14 km; 69.0 km ²) between Gernrode and Bernterode
  • Aue (Bach from Gerterode, R ) between Gernrode and Bernterode
  • Rhin ( pool; L) at Bernterode
  • Rehunger Bach ( R) in Wülfingerode
  • Peace (L ) in Sollstedt
  • Bode (L; 20 km; 105.0 km ²) in East Bleicherode
  • Renne Bach ( L) in Wipperdorf
  • Teichbach (R) in Wollersleben
  • Wern Bach stream (R) in Kleinfurra
  • Paßberggraben (underflow: Blade, L ) during special Stockhausen Stockhausen
  • Bebra ( R: 31.7 km ²) in Sondershausen
  • Hachel (R ) in Hachelbich
  • Eddy Bach (R; 44.3 km ²) below Bilzingslebens
  • Cheese Bach ( R) in Kindelbrueck

Origin of the name

Elfriede Ulbricht saw here an origin from the Middle Low German, Dutch or Middle English rockers. Accordingly, the flow name in Germany is 15 times occupied, even in variations such Wipfer. The basic word was originally aha ( a variant of the -au ). This was on -a and in the early 11th century subject in the late 10th century, the weakening in-e and then disappeared completely in the Wipper. For other rivers of this name, the -a or -e received. The name would thus turn out, assemble rotating, swinging motion and water (in the sense of flowing water ).

A very similar meaning took Felix Solmsen and Ernst Fraenkel on, saw the root of the name but with even older, Indo-European origin and translate the names of rivers as the Bouncing.

A totally different explanation is based on a designation of the river for the Holy Wigbert (Latin Wipertus or Wippertus ) from who proselytized in the area. The Holy Wigbert was the monastery Göllingen, which is located directly on the lower course of the river, dedicated.

From Wipper, some names are derived from along the river, for example, the administrative community Eichsfeld- rocker Raue, the Wippertal, the place Wipperdorf and Wipper breakthrough.

Business & Tourism

  • Featured small town Worbis at the source with half-timbered, Anthony Church, Rent Office, Museum " Güldenes Cross" and alternatives Bear Park.
  • Many water mills on the lower reaches ( Büschlebs Mill, New Mill, Mill Rieth, Ipp mill, mill Kesting, Seeboths mill, spiral Röder Mill, Black Burger mill Schwert'sche mill) and first inflows
  • Special Hausen, the county seat of Kyffhaeuser circle with castle, town fortifications.


The images are arranged downstream.

Wipper near the monastery in Worbis

Wipper weir in Gernrode from the east

Wipper weir in Gernrode from the direction of

Wipper in Sollstedt

Wipper in Wollersleben

The Wipper in Sondershausen

The Wipper in Sondershausen
