
WMLScript is a scripting language that will help to make executable scripts embedded in WML pages. It is largely inspired by JavaScript, however, has special elements and methods by which, for example, WML variables can be read and modified.

WMLScript is designed for the low bandwidth mobile systems. So WMLScript is not used, such as JavaScript, to make attractive pages, but instead, it used to be made directly on the client, check the data entered that makes an error message from the server unnecessarily. Another application represents the WTA protocol ( Wireless Telephony Applications), with the functions of the phone - call a number, for example - can be addressed. The functions of this Protocol shall be invoked with WMLScript.


WML scripts are not parsed (usually ) from the mobile client, as this is too expensive for the limited hardware of the client and also increases the transmission volume. Instead, a gateway is used, which accepts the WML document and the associated scripts from the server. This gateway encodes the data into a special bytecode, which is to reduce the amount of transfer. This encoded data is now transferred to the client.

Conversely, the gateway, the data from the client contrary, decodes it and sends the uncoded data to the server.


WMLScript parts are either quoted directly within a WML file or outsourced to an external file. The call of a WMLScript function can be called from the WML part or be directly addressed with dateinamen.wml # function ( ).

The syntax is similar to that of JavaScript. Statements must be terminated with a semicolon, multiple statements can ( characterized by { and}) in a block of statements to be grouped together. Variables (as opposed to JavaScript) been declared but not initialized. Uninitialized variables contain an empty string. As in JavaScript variables are untyped.

  • Scripting language