Wolf Leslau

Wolf Leslau ( born November 14, 1906 in Krzepice, † November 18, 2006 in the USA) was a linguist.


Born in Poland, he studied Semitic Studies at the University of Vienna and at the Sorbonne. After war broke out in 1939, he was interned by the French in a warehouse, but from where he managed to escape in 1942 in the United States. He received the position of a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles ( UCLA). Until his death at the age of 100 years, he was professor emeritus at the University. Leslau specialized in the study of Semitic languages ​​of Ethiopia. He published numerous works on almost all äthiosemitischen languages. Between 1946 and 1976 he made several research trips to Ethiopia.

  • Linguist
  • Semitist
  • Emigrant from the German Empire at the time of National Socialism
  • Pole
  • Americans
  • Guggenheim Fellow
  • University teachers ( University of California, Los Angeles)
  • Born in 1906
  • Died in 2006
  • Man