Wolfram Huhn

Wolfram Huhn ( born December 3, 1973 in Würzburg ) is a former rower who won an Olympic silver medal in aft 1996.

Chicken launched for the ARC Würzburg. In 1992 he was World Junior Champion in the four with coxswain. In 1994 he won in his first four league titles in the adult class; In 1995, he finished with the four fourth place at the World Championships in Tampere. 1996 moved chicken on Germany in the eighth. At the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, the German Eighth reached nearly two seconds behind the Dutch boat the goal and won the silver medal.

1999 and 2000 was tungsten chicken twice German Champion in the four with coxswain. At the World Cup 2000 in the non-Olympic boat classes, he won the bronze medal in the quad.
