Wonder Wart-Hog

Wonder Warthog (English Wonder Wart- Hog ) is an underground comic of the American comic artist Gilbert Shelton, which originated in the U.S. in the early 1960s. The first few episodes appeared in Pete Millar 's Drag Cartoons, later mainly in the Rip Off Press. In Germany, the series was known mainly through publications in connection with the Freak Brothers.

Many properties typical American comic super heroes are caricatured and satirized, especially the Super Mans, for example by Wonder Warthog does not go for comparatively 'noble ' motives hunting criminals, but rather from very material reasons such as greed and the urge to get on well with the ladies. His other passions include corresponding unorthodox, namely beer, hearty food, car and motorcycle races, Comics, Football etc.


The " Kuehne boar " has an extremely muscular human body with nearly 400 kg in weight, however, on which sits the bristly head of a wild boar with a long proboscis. Many a time his body odor and his hairs are indicated as more animalistic. Wonder Warthog possesses superhuman strength, x-ray vision and can fly; like Superman, he has, however, also an Achilles heel, namely strawberry-rhubarb pie, which neutralizes his powers. Under his house is a secret command center, the miracle pen ( pen = pigsty ); his super car is called Boar carriage.


Wonder warthog secret alter ego is Philbert Desanex, a shy, lanky reporter from the mishap in the morning, which is constantly being harassed and exploited by his boss without Desanex has the guts to stand up against it. The publisher scenes remind thereby strongly to corresponding scenes in the Daily Bugle in Spider -Man, but are satirically exaggerated ( " Desanex! Your reports make me cold sucks! Disappearance and Report about the turtles Olympics in Gruntville Here! Catch up! A brand new 25 - cent coins! expenses " ).

Desanex which is chronically short of money, also accept the humiliating reportage orders and met while habitually various criminals and grotesque villains, such as the masked Miesnik alias ( on Sundays and public holidays) pSUPER - psychiatrist, the pie- throwing and juckpulverstreuenden super joker, Super Patriot, Super Granny, the chimeric chameleon, Hyper- hypnotist and others.

He has also acted in a hero team, the Victorious Seven, which also have superhero figures as a model: sparrow (English sparrow ), its small childlike helper, based on Robin ( Robin = ), the sidekick of Batman; Captain Knorke ( a Shazam - imitation with pot belly ); Daddy- Bat (Batman with melon and peace sign ); an elastic Mutant named Spastikus ( Mr.Fantastic ); the Kackwanst ( a pile of garbage with intelligence ) as well as the main field ( Captain America ).

It is characteristic of wonder warthog that he catches criminals and super villains not for glory or patriotism, but out of greed for money and hoping to improve his chances with the " wonderfully shaped, American chicks ". His methods are naive and at the same time brutal. If need be, smashed wonder warthog ever his opponents on house walls, turning them several times around the neck or stomps it into the ground. Sometimes he goes there before so quickly that they have already been caught or even died before a reward was exposed to them.

German editions

  • The specific incidents of Philbert Desanex aka Wonder Wart- Hog. 1977 Two Thousand One, translated by Manfred Klopsky and Harry Rowohlt.
  • Wonder Warthog. 1982 People's Publishing House, translated by Herbert Becker and others, ISBN 3-88631-114-7