Woo-Hoo (Rock-A-Teens song)

Woo -Hoo is a title of the group Rock-A- Teens, which started in October 1959 in the Billboard Hot 100 and there could hold twelve weeks, the best position was number 16


At an audition in 1959 at George Donald McGraw, who owned the label " Mart Records ", this was so impressed by an original composition of the group entitled " Rock-A- Teen Boogie" that he had title, but renamed Woo -Hoo, published on a sub label from Mart Records ( Doran 3515 ) in August 1959.

Since Arthur "Guitar Boogie" Smith, the Rock-A- Teens sued for copyright, they were so intimidated that McGraw could with the argument that they could no longer be sued, buy the group for a few hundred dollars the rights of the title.

The lawsuit was unsuccessful, and on the national board of the new edition of Roulette Records, New York ( Roulette 4192 ) was then already entered GDMcGraw as an author.

Design and style

Whoo -Hoo is an instrumental number with a falsetto voice in the chorus and an embedded drum solo, both of which was quite unusual for rock'n'roll.

The song is in E- flat major, harmonic in the 12- bars blues pattern (I- IV -IV -IV -I) and begins with the alone standing falsetto topic. Now takes the guitar 8 bars long rhythm and tempo on, then the entire band enters with a verse in which the guitar plays a boogie figure on the harmonies.

This is followed by a chorus with falsetto topic.

The drum solo on two verses is only played on the snare drum, with varying accents by edge beats and cowbells. The next chorus leads to an accompanying guitar solo over, which takes also two verses long. This is not about an improvisation, but the guitar beats ( alternate picking ) the 1/8-Akkorde swinging through, with an emphasis on every second clock starts.

Here are two more choruses, the last two bars finish with seven 1/4-Noten blows the entire group the song.
