World Archery Federation

The World Archery Federation (WA) is the world's largest umbrella organization of sport archers and only association that is approved for the Olympic Games. The association was founded as Fédération Internationale de Tir à l' Arc ( FITA ) 1931 in Lemberg, then Poland now Ukraine and carried that name until the year 2011.

On the Delegate Assembly in July 2011, the renamed World Archery Federation was decided. For renaming voted 88 percent of the delegates present.

Headquarters of the World Archery Federation in Lausanne ( Switzerland ).


The tasks of the World Archery Federation include the organization of international competitions and the publication and revision of a uniform set of rules for archery. The WA organizes World Championships for target competitions outdoors and indoors, in Field Archery and 3D archery.

The WA tries to take in the world also influenced the development of archery. As a special box she has been doing with the fight for the preservation of archery as an Olympic discipline, as well as the expansion of the Olympic program at the archery with the compound bow. The receipt of archery as an Olympic discipline is of particular interest, since in comparison to the other public interest ( television broadcasts and other reporting) an increased audience effect. In order to take this fight for attention bill, the World Cup system was introduced in the past few years already.

President of the WA ( FITA )

Member Associations

As of July 17, 2013, the WA belong to 154 national associations. Germany is represented in WA by the German Shooting Federation (DSB ). The archer from Austria are represented by the Austrian Archery Association ( ÖBSV ). The Association Suisse de Tir à l' Arc ( ASTA / SBV) is a member of WA for Switzerland.

By joining the WA Member organizations recognize the rules of the WA and commit to the rules in their own sports order to take over.
