World Chess Championship 1894

The World Chess Championship 1894 was a battle between the reigning World Chess Champion, Wilhelm Steinitz and his challenger Emanuel Lasker. Lasker won and became the second World Chess Champion in history.

Organization and rules

It was played in New York, Philadelphia and Montreal.

Winner should be the one who had won the first 10 games. Was further agreed that Steinitz in case of defeat would get the right to a rematch.


The competition began on 15 March 1894. On May 26, Lasker was clear as the new world champion.


Accordance with the contract granted Steinitz, Lasker a rematch in 1896, but was able to keep his title with a convincing victory. Lasker was full 27 years World Champion, until his competition in 1921 against José Raúl Capablanca.
