World Student Christian Federation

The Student Christian - World Federation (World Student Christian Federation, WSCF ) was founded in 1895 at a meeting of student representatives from ten North American and European countries in Vadstena, Sweden. The founding members included John R. Mott (USA), J. Rutter Williamson (Great Britain ), Martin Eckhoff (Norway ), Luther D. Wishard (USA), John Siemsen ( Germany ) and Karl Fries ( Sweden).

The organization, based in Geneva was the first international student association. Together with the YMCA and YWCA, he is one of the oldest international youth associations. In France it is called Fédération Universelle des Associations d' Chrétiennes Étudiants ( FUACE ) and Spain Federacion Universal de Movimientos Estudiantiles Cristianos ( Fumec ).


The Student Christian Federation World is a member of:

  • ACT Alliance