World Tuberculosis Day

The World TB Day ( Abbr: World TB Day ) is a memorial day and falls on the 24th March of each year in order to keep alive the memory of the tuberculosis in the public, through the still, each year about 940,000 people die ( most of them in the Third World ).

This day of the year was chosen because on March 24, 1882 Robert Koch announced in Berlin the discovery of the tuberculosis bacterium known. At this time the tuberculosis in Europe and America had become so commonplace that one in seven died. The discovery of the cause of disease, it was possible to develop a therapy against the disease.

In 1982, that on the 100th anniversary of the publication described in detail above, the International Union struck against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease ( IUATLD ) March 24 as World TB Day before. In 1996, the WHO joined this proposal to give this day more weight.
