Worldwide Day of Play

The Nickelodeon Round (English Nickelodeon 's Worldwide Day of Play) is an annual event of the international children's channel Nickelodeon, which is broadcast once every year since 2004. When Nickelodeon Gameday the program is interrupted for 6 hours and called the children to turn off the TV, go out and play. In the U.S., Nickelodeon took Gameday for the first time held on 2 October 2004.

The game day in Germany and Austria

In Germany the Nickelodeon Round was the first time on 28 May 2010, for the second time on June 9, 2011, and for the third time on June 1, 2012 with the motto Nickelodeon Get Involved! instead. 2010 was planned to shut down the program from Nickelodeon Germany throughout the day (from 6:00 - 20:15 clock ), but it was decided not to send only 6 hours.

June 30, 2010, on 29 June 2011 and on 1 June 2012, the Nickelodeon Gameday occurred even at Nickelodeon Austria. On 12 June 2013, the Nickelodeon was Gameday 2013 at both Nickelodeon Nickelodeon Germany and Austria.

