
WS -Transaction is a standard from the context of the so-called WS-* specifications. WS -Transaction aims to provide the well-known mainly from databases principle of transactions for web services. For this is the standard of three sub-specifications.



WS-Coordination describes an extensible framework that provides protocols available that allow actions of distributed applications to coordinate with each other. It includes in addition to the requirements for services that are to use the WS -Transaction, a precise structure that makes it possible to put away transactions across the boundaries of the heterogeneous systems. The specification requires that there must be a coordinator always, at the register, the respective web services.

WS-Coordination is also independent of WS -Transaction to be used, because the standard is so flexible that it can cover applications of any type in the context of distributed applications.

WS- Atomic Transaction

WS- Atomic Transaction builds on WS-Coordination, by specifying only the specific protocols. In this case, WS- Atomic Transaction aimed specifically at short-dated transactions for which the so-called ACID properties are important. Specifically, it includes the following protocols:

  • Completion
  • Volatile Two-Phase Commit
  • Durable Two-Phase Commit

A WS method can be configured with respect to the supporting transaction properties as follows:

  • Required: If the client is already in a valid transaction context, the method within that transaction context is carried out. Otherwise, a new transaction is started
  • RequiresNew: If the client is already in a valid transaction context, the transaction suspended and the method within a new transaction is executed. After completion of the method, the new transaction is also terminated and the previous transaction resumed. Otherwise, a new transaction is started.
  • Mandatory: The client must be in a valid transaction context.
  • NotSupported: If the client is within a transaction, it will be resumed again suspended and after completion of the method.
  • Support: If the client is within a transaction, this is used, otherwise the method is not executed within a transaction.
  • Never: The method must not be called within a transaction.

WS- Business Activity

WS- Business Activity directed as opposed to WS- Atomic Transaction on longer-running business transactions, but also includes only the concrete logs for WS -Coordination. Specifically, it contains the following two protocols:

  • BusinessAgreementWithParticipantCompletion
  • BusinessAgreementWithCoordinatorCompletion

Important here is that the resources can not be " has locked " because the "Transactions" run longer. For this reason there is for the case of an error called Compensation Activities which should make the already made to revert the changes.


The specifications have been developed by IBM, BEA Systems, Microsoft, Arjuna, Hitachi and IONA and introduced on 1 November 2004. After an update on August 16, 2005, the standard in version 1.1 has also been recognized as an official OASIS standard.
