Wszechświęte, Lower Silesian Voivodeship

Wszechswiete ( German Saints) is a Polish village in Lower Silesia with 235 people (data for 2010). In the years 1975-1998 the town administratively belonged to the province of Wroclaw.

Location and area

The place is located 7 km from the city of oil. Wszechswiete has an area of ​​398.55 hectares, the agricultural area is 358.48 hectares. The floor space is divided into:

  • Arable land - 311.91 acres
  • Meadows - 31.75 ha
  • Ha pastures -12.81
  • Orchards - 2.01 ha
  • Urban - 10.49 ha
  • Forests - 7.77 ha
  • Water - 3:54 ha
  • Street - 16.59 ha
  • Waste land - 1.60 ha


Over the years the village several times changed the name:


1317 was told the place was first mentioned as in a dispute over tithes a Berold was mentioned. As of 1376, the village town was named because it had been founded under German law. 1380 belonged to a knight named Pecko Kampusch.

The old church was rebuilt in 1705. 1785 took the village school on their operation. At that time the town had 143 inhabitants, three farms, 13 bay and 3 cottagers. 1845 there were 27 households with 281 persons, of which three Catholics and 7 Jews. 30 houses and 189 inhabitants on the record for 1908.


In the village there are three clubs:

  • Folk music group " Wianki "
  • Volunteer Fire Department
  • Football club