Wubi method

Wubi is an abbreviation for " Wubizixing " (五笔 字型 输入 法/五笔 字型, Zixing wǔbǐ shūrùfǎ, five strokes character model input method ', as can any character be a maximum input by five keystrokes ) and is one of many input methods for simplified Chinese characters.

The advantage of this input schema is the sole function of the image of the character, that does not require knowledge of the debate, and is therefore of great interest to students of Chinese writing. Furthermore, the high write speed should be mentioned.

The disadvantage of this input method is that you need to know how Chinese characters are generally constructed ( arrangement radicals), and stroke order in which they are written.

Input layout of the keyboard

To enter the character image, the 26 letters of the alphabet without the umlaut "ä ", " ö" and "ü " are used; the "z" has a special role. Between upper and lower case letters are not distinguished. The keyboard is divided into the following groups of figurative sign belonging together:

Note: The "y" seems out of place, just like the " z" and "m"; the first two are exchanged on an English keyboard so that the mappings make sense. Therefore, also the "y" part of the following in Region 4 When "m" had the right simply too little space, because not every keyboard has "ö" p.

The assignment generally

Unfortunately assignments and separation of characters in substring, which will be needed later for the input are anything but trivial. Therefore, we assume in the following a closer look at the individual regions and even individual buttons:

The assignment specifically

It will be seen hereafter, instead of a usual here, " left to right " mapping a definition of " inside-out ".

Region 1: The keys a, s, d, f and g or radicals having at least one horizontal start bar

Cases in which the "G " key is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:一,王( although small) ,五,戋

Rule of thumb: " The radical of a character starts with a horizontal line and does not contain another horizontal line, or looks much like the characters from王"

Cases where the "f " button is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:二,士,土,十,干,寸,雨, code?

Rule of thumb: " The radical of a character starts with exactly one horizontal line, but still contains exactly one further horizontal line; exception :寸"

Cases in which the "d" is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:大,三,犬,石,古,厂, the second character in羊, the second character in着, the first part in肆, the head part of而, the first two lines of右, in the right part of拔the first sign于topless bar

Rule of thumb: " The radical starts with a dash, and includes two more horizontal lines, or similar to the character大, or the character厂"

Cases where the "s" is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:木,西,丁

Rule of thumb: "木,西,丁"

Cases in which the "a" is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:工,匚,七,弋,戈,廾,艹,廿,共without the last two lines ,弋

Rule of thumb: " The miserable remnant - rote learning "

Region 2: The keys h, j, k, l and m or radicals having at least one vertical take-off line

Cases where the "h" is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:目,上,止,卜,上without first stroke ,虍without "匕"是without "旦"皮without "又"具without the last two lines

Rule of thumb: " The radical of a character begins with a vertical line and does not contain another vertical line, or looks much like the characters from目"

Cases in which the "j " button is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:曰,早,虫,刂, the first two lines of归, the first two lines of临,廾without the first line, the first two lines of临

Rule of thumb: " The radical of a character begins with a vertical line and contains exactly one further vertical bar, or looks much like the characters from曰(also filmed) "

Cases in which the "K" is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:口,川,三rotated 90 °

Rule of thumb: "口,川, "三" "

Cases in which the "L" is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:田,甲,囗,四,皿,车,力, upper box of罘

Rule of thumb: "? "

Cases in which the "M" is pressed:

  • The radical is one of the following characters:山,由,冂,贝,几, without骨"月"

Rule of thumb: " shells from the mountain have bone "
