Wulfstan of Hedeby

Wulfstan, also known as Wulfstan of Hedeby ( * before 880 ) was an Anglo-Saxon traveler and trader in the late 9th century. His trip reports are combined with those of other travelers, Ottar, in Alfred the Great's translation received by Paul Orosius, Histories.

According to this report Wulfstan took around the year 880 around a sea voyage through the Danish straits after " Haedum " ( Hedeby ) and continue along the southern Baltic coast to the commercial establishment Truso.

Truso had a harbor on Ilfing, this was close to the Elbing was founded about 350 years later later in East Prussia and Poland today, near Gdansk.

On his journey Wulfstan met many people, including Danes, and he is considered the first, who wrote down the word "Denmark".

A book with Barringtons translation from the Anglo-Saxon in the English language contains a map with descriptions designated by Wulfstan peoples. This created by the researcher and traveler Johann Reinhold Forster card was issued but of Barrington as his work after Forster had left England. In 1784 Forster published his book History of discoveries and shipping in the north, where he among other things, his translations, research and original card describes.
