Xanthoria elegans

Petite Gelbflechte ( Xanthoria elegans)

The Dainty Gelbflechte ( Xanthoria elegans ) is a Laubflechte.


The species is characterized by a regular, rosettiges camp, which is colored orange to red. The mounting lugs are actinomorphic aligned and elongated. They are about 10 mm long and up one millimeter wide. The often concentrated in the middle apothecia are of the same color as the stock.


As location calcareous rocks are preferred. It also grows on artificial stone, tiles and grave stones. The Dainty Gelbflechte is spread throughout Europe.

In one experiment, the European Space Agency ESA in February 2008 various biological samples were exposed for a year Weltraumbedinungen on the International Space Station ISS. The Dainty Gelbflechte could these hostile conditions in the universe survive.
