
Xargs is a Unix program that is available on most Unix systems, including FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris. It is used to convert standard input to command line. xargs appeared for the first time in PWB / UNIX.


Xargs takes on standard input (usually through pipes) against text. This is given to the specified argument as a command line argument.

Often used xargs with find:

$ Find /- name '* o. ' | Xargs rm This command removes all files that end in '. O' from the file system of the computer.

Place alone would spend doing this:

$ Find /-name '*. O'. / dev / proj / a.o. / dev / proj / b.o xargs converts it into the call

$ Rm. / Dev / proj / a.o. / Dev / proj / b.o order. As on many operating systems may not be as large as the number of command line arguments, tells xargs when required too many arguments in multiple calls to.
