
Simple Borstenhörnchen ( Xerus rutilus )

The Ground Squirrel ( Xerini ) are a tribe of squirrels, which includes three genera:

  • Atlashörnchen ( Atlantoxerus )
  • African Ground Squirrel ( Xerus )
  • Ground squirrels ( Spermophilopsis )

The eponymous feature is her hair, which is rigid and bristly; between the hairs sometimes shining through the bare skin. There are mainly soil inhabiting species that are assigned to the subfamily of ground squirrels.

A close relationship to the Protoxerini that was between early discarded, is now again than likely though the Borstenhörnchen have more original features than other tribes. The long doubted the ground squirrel belonging to this tribe is supported by genetic analyzes, as well as the monophyly of the group.
