Xin dynasty

The Xin Dynasty (新 朝Chinese, Pinyin Xin chao, New Dynasty ' ) was the shortest period of rule in the Chinese Empire and lasted 14 years 9-23 AD They merely represented an interlude within the Han Dynasty, which thereby ( so named because of the location of their capitals ) into a western and an eastern period is divorced. The " dynasty " consisted only of a single ruler, Emperor Wáng Mǎng (王莽). Due to its unfavorable policy both domestic ( failed reforms severe crop failures and famine due to flooding of the Huang He) as well as foreign policy, he conjured a peasant uprising up, which became known as the " rebellion of the Red Eyebrows " in the story. During this revolt, the dynasty was already in the autumn of 23 with the death of the Emperor at the storming of the capital Chang'an come to an end even before the army Liu Xuan, another descendant of the imperial family, who adopted the title of General Gengshi (更始 将军) had reached Chang'an. Chang'an was devastated, General Gengshi ( Liu Xuan ) after a brief reign as the self-proclaimed Emperor Gengshi (Chinese更始 帝, Pinyin Geng Shi Dì, emperor who opens a new page ') in 25 toppled by Liu Xiu. These two years (23-25) are mentioned in many lists as a " continuation of the Western Han Dynasty ". Thus, the (Eastern ) Han dynasty was restored by another representative of the original Liu family, Liu Xiu. He ascended the throne as Emperor Han Guangwu and moved the capital to the east of the country to Luoyang. More than 15 years passed until he could control his empire again and pacify.
