This product was added to computer science because of the content, defects on the quality assurance side of the editor. This is done to bring the quality of the articles from the computer science subject area to an acceptable level. Help us to eliminate the substantive shortcomings of this article and take part you in the discussion! ( ) Reason: stub - Radio Star (talk) 21:48, June 23, 2013 (UTC)

Template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / MIME missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / Magic number is missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / default missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / missing site

The eXtensible rights Markup Language ( XrML ) is a universal language for reliable description and management of rights based on the open XML standards.

These rights can be bound to arbitrary objects and a highly granular define the rights of use to the user and group level. The rights defined are summarized in the rule as so-called rights object ( RO) and may be transferred as part of the license in the context of Digital Rights Management (DRM).

XrML grew out of research at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). The XrML specification is since November 2001 in the version 2 and is supported by several committees for the definition of DRM implementation uses in their own XML languages ​​(eg OASIS, Open eBook Forum, MPEG -21).
