Xyphosia miliaria

Xyphosia miliaria

Xyphosia miliaria is a fly from the family of fruit flies ( Tephritidae ).


The flies reach a body length from 5.0 to 8.0 millimeters. The thorax and abdomen are yellowish, the mesonotum is longer than wide. The Thorakalschüppchen project beyond the Flügelschüppchen the rear two orbital bristles face towards the center line. The jaws are about as high as the width of the last sensor element. The wings are decorated with a distinctive grid drawing that is obscured at the top and the two cross- veins.

Occurrence and life

The animals are found throughout Europe, and further east to the Altai Mountains. The adults fly from May to June and keep on thistles in their inflorescences, the larvae develop.

