Yamanote and Shitamachi

Yamanote (Japanese山の手simply Yamate (山 手) ), referred hills that a low-lying district, surrounded Shitamachi. Well-known examples are Tokyo and Yokohama.

In Tokyo, so the hills are referred to in the west of the city, surrounding the deeper the water, located Shitamachi. The assignment:

  • Yamanote = in Edo samurai residences, in Yokohama wealthy citizens and foreigners
  • Shitamachi = residential districts of the common people,

True is only effective coarse. In contrast to the European requirements relating to the West Wind bourgeois " Westend " districts, the old Edo was inhabited largely mixed. So there is in Shitamachi of Edo daimyo residences, in the Yamanote district malls and artisan quarter.

Today Yamanote generally refers to the Yamanote line, the Ring Line of JR East in Tokyo.

  • District of Tokyo