Yangyuan County

Circle Yang Yuan (阳 原 县) is a county of Zhangjiakou prefecture-level city in the Chinese province of Hebei. It has an area of 1,834 square kilometers and counts 280,000 inhabitants. Its main town is the large village Xicheng District (西 城镇).

The Paleolithic Nihewan - sites ( Nihewan Yizhi qun泥 河湾 遗址 群) are since 2001 on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China ( 5-2).

Its attractions include the Zaoxitang - thermal source ( Zaoxitang Wenquan澡 洗 塘 温泉) and the Zhen - source ( Zhenzhuquan珍珠泉) and the Buddhist Jiufeng Temple ( Jiufeng si鹫峰 寺).
